Burnaby & Surrey Healing Sense Chiropractic

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri: 9am to 7pm, Sat: 9am to 3pm
  Contact : 778)379-5086

Affordable Chiropractic Fees

Chiropractic fees often play an important role in helping people find out whether or not they are willing and able to get the treatment they need. If you’re experiencing back pain, suffering a condition or wanting to reduce your risk of injury, then considering chiropractic treatment might be the right option for you. At Healing Sense Chiropractic, our commitment is to ensure that good quality treatment is both affordable and accessible across Greater Vancouver. 

We created this resource to help you discover how you can qualify for additional coverage (which can help keep costs low so you can focus on healing), understand how rates are evaluated and learn the purpose of comprehensive services. 

If you’re interested in treatment, read on! 


Chiropractic Services and Fees

Chiropractic Fees in Burnaby and Surrey – It’s Not All About The Cost

Curious about treatment fees and services in your specific area? How do certain clinics evaluate both the cost and the length of each treatment?

When it comes to chiropractic treatment, costs can vary in Burnaby and Surrey. In the Greater Vancouver area, the average expense for a chiropractor visit ranges from $20 to $200. Another aspect to consider is the duration of each session, which can span from 10 to 30 minutes. The choice between a shorter or longer session depends on your individual needs.

As you contemplate chiropractic treatment, it’s essential to think about why you’re seeking treatment, what it’s intended to address, and which type of treatment is most suitable for your current condition. The exact cost of your treatment is determined by the specific type of care you require, ensuring that it’s tailored to your unique needs.

Healing Sense Clinic: Competitive Chiropractic Fees in Burnaby and Surrey

At Healing Sense, we believe in affordable and accessible treatment services for everyone. Scroll down to discover our wide range of services to understand the treatments available and associated fees.

For any questions or concerns, please email us at healingsense@hotmail.com or phone 778-379-5086.

Burnaby and Surrey Chiropractic Fees and Services

Initial $85
X-Rays $60/per area
Subsequent Treatment $60
Shockwave Therapy $80-$90
Custom Orthotics $450 (taxes may apply)
Car Accident Case $0 (Direct billing to ICBC)
Extended Health Insurance Based on insurance policy – amount will vary
Student Network $35 initial, $30 subsequent, $60 x-ray/area (100% covered but 1 time per year)
MSP Initial Visit $62
MSP Subsequent Visit $37

If you have insurance that covers, please inform our staff before treatment.

Explore How Health Insurance Can Help You Save – You Might Be Pleasantly Surprised

MSP Premium: Verify Your Coverage

With MSP ‘Premium’ coverage, you will be covered $23 per visit with remaining fees owing. Verify your MSP status by contacting the MSP office or registering with us. In doing so, please provide your Personal Health Number (PHN) and your information for us to assist you with verification.

ICBC Car Accident: Treatment After an Accident

If you were involved in a car accident, ICBC may provide different types of treatment including chiropractic, acupuncture, kinesiology (active rehab), counselling, physiotherapy and massage.

Our clinic is directly registered with ICBC which can help you get treated as soon as possible. This means, medical and/or legal referrals are not required, so long as you come into our clinic within 3 months of your accident.

If you are an ICBC patient, please have the following information readily available: Personal Health Number (PHN), the ICBC centre you visited and the adjusters name readily available.

But if the car accident is my fault, can I still get access to treatment?

All parties involved in a car accident may be eligible for treatment. If you believe you are entitled for treatment and coverage, consult with ICBC for eligibility. Even if the accident was your fault, the premium costs won’t change.

Student Coverage: Fees for Full-Time Students

If you are a full-time student and your school provides the student rate insurance, you may be entitled up to 90% coverage in accordance with your school’s insurance plan.

Both initial and subsequent treatments under student insurance may be covered up to 90%.  Additionally, x-rays may be fully covered by the school, but limited to one per calendar year.

WorkSafe BC: Services for Workplace Injuries

WorkSafe BC provides coverage for employees who get injured at work due to the nature of their work environment. It is important to note that these claims must be approved by the employer, WorkSafe BC and your chiropractor. Dr. Isaac Daeyoung Lee in Burnaby will directly contact WorkSafe BC to help patients with workplace-related injuries as soon as possible.

Extended Health Care Insurances: Using Your Insurance for Services

If you are covered by any extended health insurance providers, please let our clinic know prior to the start of your treatment. We accept and accommodate most extended health insurance plans, with direct billings.

Most of our patients are covered between 80% to 100% depending on insurance policy and are sometimes accompanied with deductibles. 

Below is a list of common insurance providers:

  • Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
  • Cowan
  • Desjardins Insurance
  • Great West Life
  • Johnson
  • Johnson Group
  • Manulife
  • Maximum Benefit
  • Sun Life Financial
  • Standard Life
  • Blue Cross
  • Green Shield Canada
  • And much more…