There are many different types of medical or para-medical treatment that patients can choose from. Especially in Vancouver and Burnaby area, there are many acupuncturists, massage therapists, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors and so on. Sometimes, it is difficult to find the most suitable therapy or therapist out of all these different types of treatment.
Then, why chiropractic? It’s because chiropractic treatment is specialized in diagnosing and treating ‘nueromusculoskeletal’ problems which means it is specialized in bodily pain or problems caused by nerve interference, muscle imbalances, and joint dysfunctions. If you have any pain that involves any one or all of the above, you might want to consult a chiropractor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plans.
Contrary to many people’s apprehension, chiropractic has been proven to be one of the safest treatment with significant clinical effectiveness on conditions related to many different lower back, neck, ankle, wrist, shoulder, other pains. We will discuss the ‘safety’ and ‘effectiveness’ of chiropractic in other FAQ.
Burnaby Healing Sense Chiropractic
101A-3701 Hastings St, Burnaby, BC
Between Vancouver and Burnaby
Crossroad: Boundary road and Hastings Street